How long does a session take and how often?
The first time a dog or horse is seen the process can take up to an hour or more unless it is broken down into two visits, depending on the complexity of the issues. Detailed information about the animal’s history is needed. A detailed examination is followed by treatment with chiropractic, postural and neurological exercises, and acupuncture. Then herbals and nutraceuticals are discussed and a plan for followup is formulated. Time for answering questions is allotted. Subsequent visits are usually under an hour, once the animal’s issues are better known. Sessions are scheduled weekly for usually a set duration, or often monthly. Once an animal is in stable condition, four sessions a year, or with every season change, are optimal.
Do you come to my house or barn? Where is your office?
I have an ambulatory practice and travel to barns to work on horses. For added convenience, I will also travel to your veterinarian’s though this is organized in a case by case basis. I will also travel to equine show grounds, or dog show/training facilities to work with single or multiple animals at a time.
Also, I now can see your smaller pets at my Ocala office.
Are you a chiropractor?
I am a veterinarian, and have post graduate training (of over 250 hours) in a course that trains both chiropractors and veterinarians in what is called veterinary spinal manipulative therapy. Veterinary training in anatomy, physiology, and medicine for animals gives a strong foundation for the continued training in animal chiropractic. The National Association for Animal Chiropractic can also give further information about this training.
Can you cure my dog’s cancer?
The goal of treatment with cancer is three-fold. My medicine aims to improve the quality of life of patients through multiple modalities, including nutritional support. This medicine also can extend the duration of good quality life often in conjunction with conventional medicine. Reports exist of the occasional “miracle cure” or long term remission. The focus is on normalizing the patient’s physiologic balance, optimizing the immune system, as well as focused work directed to the actual disease itself. The body has an amazing capacity to heal when given the chance through optimal nutrition, supplemental support, and physical reminders through acupuncture and manipulative therapy.
Do you work on production animals such as cattle, goats and pigs?
Yes, in fact, acupuncture and chiropractic have been scientifically shown to be beneficial in improving fertility, decreasing cell counts in milk, and improving toplines and movement in show animals.
Would you travel across the country or internationally to work on animals?
Yes, and these trips can be organized routinely, especially if a group of animals are scheduled. In some areas, I will need to work under the license of the referring veterinarian, but I have licenses in multiples states for independent work.
Will you do anesthesia on my dog or horse if they need to go for surgery?
Typically your conventional (regular) veterinarian will perform the anesthesia in their practice. I am available to them for anesthesia consultation, or in some instances can be brought in to perform the anesthesia depending on the arrangements made with the veterinarian. If you have concerns about youranimal’s anesthesia, I can help you make decisions about whether you need specialized anesthetic care.
How can I find out when you are in Florida (or any other area)?
You can also call or email me with inquiries. Click here.